@zzu微微笑先来说说你引用的两个研究,我估计你是根本没细看的,这两个实验的设计差不多,都是分组吃一组是肾处方饲料一组是普通饲料,两篇作者结论都是“本研究中肾脏处方饲料在减缓血氮症发展与肾疾致死率方面强于普通饲料”---这就是你找得到的资料???你要喂谁吃这堆大便?皇家甚至有计划推出针对IRIS 1-2阶段的高蛋白肾病处方粮,脸疼不疼?不尊重科学发展就会屁股决定脑袋有没有很开心?
先贴一下 Patricia Schenck, DVM, PhD, Veterinary Nutritionist(兽医、博士、动物营养学家)。节约篇幅只贴少部分,她在这篇文章中讨论的是蛋白质是否伤宠物肾脏及低蛋白是否预防肾疾,其观点和我的一样,其中肾脏疾病部分:
"Dietary protein restriction is appropriate in renal failure when the disease has become severe. Restriction of protein is based on the appearance of clinical signs. It has been recommended to start protein restriction when the dog's BUN (blood urea nitrogen) is greater than 80 mg/dL [28.6 mmol/L], and the serum creatinine is greater than 2.5 mg/dL [221 µmol/L]. Both BUN and serum creatinine are good indicators of kidney function. Protein is restricted in an attempt to keep the BUN below 60 mg/dL [21.4 mmol/L]. Dietary protein may need to be gradually decreased over time as renal failure progresses."
继续援引猫病学泰斗Gary Norsworthy 2015年的观点(相信医生都看过他的书猫病学),如下:
key development in the treatment of chronic kidney insufficiency, Norsworthy said, [Gary Norsworthy, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (Feline), owner of Alamo Feline Health Center in San Antonio]
“In the past, the approach was a low-protein diet. Now the practice is to put such a cat on a high-protein diet.There are several reasons for this switch in thinking, particularly to keep the cat from losing too much weight and muscle. Muscle wasting is a common problem in senior cats, Norsworthy noted. Their spines and hips become very prominent because they have lost muscle mass. This occurs due to protein deprivation.”
继续贴,采自《Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XII》---慢性肾脏疾病的狗吃相对高蛋白的食物无不良反应甚至比低蛋白组反应更好:
"In perhaps the most noted clinical trial examining effects of high protein diet on progression of CRD, groups of dogs diagnosed with CRD were fed either high protein diets or low protein diets. No significant difference was observed in the rate of progression of CRD in the high-protein group compared to the low protein group. Therefore, excess protein in the diet did not appear to compromise renal function even in the presence of high endogenous levels of protein associated with the disease. In fact, on an individual basis some of the CRD dogs in the high protein diet group faired better. This finding was postulated to be associated with the fact that protein is required for cellular repair and function."
再来“没有证据显示蛋白质限制可以减缓肾脏疾病的发展” “未出现高氮血症的肾病狗不合适低蛋白”
"Dietary protein restriction improves the clinical signs and quality of life of uremic animals with both naturally occurring and experimentally induced renal failure. . . . However it is highly questionable whether protein restriction is appropriate in the azotaemic, but non-uraemic patient. The main risk of protein restriction is protein deficiency. The protein and amino acid requirements of dogs and cats with chronic renal failure have not been established, but may well be increased. . . . The main justification for protein restriction early in the course of renal failure would be if it was proven to slow progression of disease. The data that are available do not support this case in dogs. Dietary protein has been shown to affect renal haemodynamics in the dog, however, moderate protein restriction does not alleviate glomerular hypertension, hyperfiltration and hypertrophy. . . . Thus there is no evidence that moderate protein restriction slows the progression of renal failure in dogs, and it is not recommended in dogs which are not uraemic."